“All shall be well,

Cabin on Lowell Lake

and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well” Julian of Norwich

Stillness – Part II

During my last week in the office, I had moments where I felt somewhat anxious – uncertain. I suppose that I was reacting to the unknown ahead of me. And then, during my final walk to the train station, this quote popped into my mind. I don’t know where it came from – something I heard somewhere, deeply filed away in some compartment in my mind? It doesn’t matter, really; the thought reassured me, and there it was – stillness.

Chessie napping

Stillness – the dictionary defines it as “silence, quiet, hush”, “the absence of motion”
But really, stillness is so much more. To me, it’s a feeling of peace or a calmness of mind; presence in the moment.
“All shall be well” does not mean that nothing will go wrong, I know. Rather, it is a feeling of acceptance, even joyfulness, of what is – something I know that I need to work on…

And so, resuming my photography challenge where I left off several months ago – stillness – could not have been a better fit. It’s funny how, sometimes, pieces just seem to fall neatly into place.

Vermont barn in the evening

The bucolic scenery of Vermont often fills me with a sense of serenity.

cow in the field

I spent the month of August seeking places and moments that conveyed this feeling of stillness, much as I sought stillness in my everyday life.

hay bales

In the photography course that I am currently taking (which feels like yet another small piece of something falling into place), our instructor encourages us to take a moment’s pause to look around, breathe and experience where we are. The inspiration from this course, and the talented group of photographers that I interact with, is filling me with so many ideas and things I hope to practice – and this might be the opposite of “stillness” – but in a good way – I think – yes, I am sure.

cup of coffee on a rainy morning

I wrap up my month of “stillness” feeling, well, a bit more still – and very inspired. And as much as I enjoyed seeking out the beautiful and serene settings around me, I continue to learn that stillness is something I will find from within.

Next month, I will be concentrating on “Detail” – getting up close (but not to be confused with macro.) Since I tend to want to include the whole world in my photos, this one is going to be a challenge!

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” Deepak Chopra

I hope you have a wonderful and “still” week!


6 responses to ““All shall be well,”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    LOVE Chessie’s stillness! I think there is stillness, but there is also freedom. Your mind and creativity had been held captive for so long, now with this freedom to make your own choices, fill or empty your days how you want – this creates a stillness and a calm. Nothing ever happens, “out of the blue”, timing is everything, and you are hitting your timing just perfectly.

  2. Lynne Avatar

    Thank you for sending stillness.
    Beautiful photos filled to the brim with quiet, still, peace.
    I feel inspired to take a walk and look for my own stillness.

    Not right this minute though, the feeder floor is filled with crows and they are also eating from the feeders.
    Not making me feel still . . . Off I go to say SHOO,
    Maybe I need to be more benevolent . . .

  3. Beatrice Avatar

    Stillness captured can be very difficult, and your photos convey that feeling in their simple beauty, Karen. My favorite is the last one of you sitting and watching the rain.

  4. Carola Bartz Avatar

    Karen, your photos tell of stillness in such a beautiful and peaceful way. Isn’t it lovely that you have the time for that now? I almost envy you for that. I am pretty sure that you will make the most of retirement and I don’t think you’re wasting any time. Yay for you!

  5. Barb Avatar

    Ahhh – stillness. I often seek it both inside and outside myself. As I get older (and older) stillness is more like acceptance of the moment rather than a search for quiet or immobility which is probably how I originally thought of it. You are taking such fine photos and journaling your thoughts with such depth – I look forward to your interpretation of detail.

  6. Debbie Avatar

    you defined stillness perfectly karen, it is a beautiful feeling that you captured in all of your images. stillness…something you feel with your heart!!

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