How do you eat an elephant?

dilapidated sugar shack

How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time…

Metaphorically speaking, of course – because, you know – gross?
Good advice, though, when a project feels overwhelming – insurmountable. And that is how I am choosing to approach this whole website-networking-social media-newsletter-marketing-writing-editing-querying-publishing project of mine. One bite at a time.

Did you know that the whole project doesn’t need to be done all at once? – And I don’t even need to have it all figured out before putting one foot in front of the other. What a relief!

About that project

Yep – one step at a time. In my last post, I mentioned the many lessons learned while revamping my website. I may have even said something silly about “done being better that perfect.” Right, well – except for when you’re a perfectionist who can’t stop making “tweaks” because you don’t really know what the heck you’re doing but you know what you want.
Next step – a photo portfolio (and maybe a few more tweaks).
I’m getting there.

And thanks so much to those who signed up for my newsletter! Learning how to create it turned out to be unexpectedly fun. The first issue went out yesterday – and yes, it’s still a work-in-progress, so let’s figure this out together! If you didn’t sign up, but would like to take a gander, you will find a link to the most recent issue on my newsletter tab.

“You don’t need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

Martin Luther King Junior

Learning to take smaller bites

You know that saying about not seeing the forest for the trees? You can probably guess, that’s not me – at all. I like seeing the whole enchilada. And with that in mind, during one of my morning walks, I pointed my camera straight at the tree. No mountains, no vista, no sunrise,

just lovely morning light filtering through the trees.

See – even an old dog can learn new tricks.

Aimlessly rambling

sugar shack

Allowing myself to take smaller bites – it’s a bit like newfound freedom for aimless rambling.

It’s sugaring time in Vermont, and the sugar shacks are working full tilt. You will know you’re getting close to one when you catch a whiff of maple in the air.

This sugar shack – obviously no longer operational – is still one of my favorites. And it has my imagination in overdrive concocting a new story – Admit it, you see it, too. This is the perfect setting for another murder plot – right? But that’s jumping way ahead. 🙂

Maple buckets are getting harder and harder to find – but Greg and I persevered, driving the backroads of Vermont with our eyes peeled.

The cute little barn in the background – just an added bonus.

Spring will be slow to arrive in Vermont – we need to get through mud season first. But as the days grow warmer and the sun rises earlier, I am looking forward to waking to the sound of birds and mornings on my deck.

I’m hopeful.

What projects do you have in the works? Are you happy to take things bit by bit, or do you like seeing the whole picture first?

I hope you’re having a wonderful day!


9 responses to “How do you eat an elephant?”

  1. Elizabeth Henry Avatar
    Elizabeth Henry

    This is great advice. It can be so tempting to try and do everything at once -something I’ve been guilty of for years – but if you want to do something well, there’s no need to rush. Everything will come together in the end.
    And I love the photos of the sugar shacks. Definitely ideal murder mystery locations….☺

    1. Karen Avatar

      Thanks! I really should know better by now – but, I guess it’s never to late to learn 🙂 And the murder location – definitely!

  2. cathyhubmann Avatar

    Love the sugar shacks and the buckets! One step at at time! That’s a good reminder for me right now! Enjoyed the read!

    1. Karen Avatar

      Thanks, Cathy – I love those buckets, too! Good luck with your project!

  3. Barb Avatar

    Love all the tight focus photos but my favorite photo is the long view with those buckets, the barn, and the forested landscape beyond. I’m happy to do things bit by bit – it suits my age and my temperament. I remember being a perfectionist long, long ago, but nowadays, I’m happy if I just come close to what I imagine I want. Pure VT maple syrup – my favorite! I miss sugaring time.

    1. Karen Avatar

      I think the one with the buckets is my favorite, too – and the dilapidated shack. I’m glad to hear there’s hope for me – maybe someday I will also be happy with doing things bit by bit.

  4. Beatrice Avatar

    We always look for the sugar lines when driving back roads here in NH, Karen. And, to answer your question of “bit by bit vs. the whole picture” I tend to do both and sometimes at the same time! Lately, I’ve been realizing that there’s no rush and so I’ve gone down a few rabbit holes in preparing some recent blog posts. One led me to find out just HOW much online information was available from the local library, which has reopened, but without all resource rooms available. Even though not a subscriber, I read your first newsletter online and enjoyed it. My name suggestion is “Benny.” Best wishes to you and your family for a Happy Easter weekend.

  5. carbartz Avatar

    Tackling a big project bit by bit is very sound advice I think. I have the feeling like working on a huge project since the beginning of the pandemic, and I guess every teacher feels like that.
    I would love to see those maple buckets one day and smell the aroma from the sugar shacks (even though I am not a huge fan of maple syrup, but still better than honey). The abandoned sugar shack makes a great photo option and I can understand that your mind goes in overdrive and already commits several gruesome murders.

  6. helen Avatar

    I love the mapling buckets shot and love it even more since it took some perseverance!

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