Journal #1 – for my inner over-thinker

I overthink things – it’s what I do…
Except – apparently –  when I unpacked my camera after our vacation,
and forgot to unpack my batteries and battery charger,
leaving them behind – in Vermont…

writing in my journal

So – anyway – all those thoughts that I overthought about photos I planned to take… well, time to overthink plan b
which is to not overthink and use what I already have. Except, well, I couldn’t find any photos I liked, so back to plan a – or maybe plan c – I think…


And this brings me to my Journal #1 – which is my own little place for overthinking. In a previous post, I wrote about my morning pages journal – (journal #2). But journal #1 is just for fun – it is whatever and whenever I want it to be.

No rules

I loosely follow a bullet journal format, except much less organized and much, much less pretty.

Some months, I seek a little inspiration to get me going – a reminder to myself to keep it real.


And then there are my craftier moments – when a list isn’t a list if I don’t enjoy looking at it.

book shelf

But most of the time, I record whatever grabs my interest or enters my minds – lists, reminders, organizers, weekend plans, kitchen remodel ideas, a family tree, capsule wardrobe must-haves, writing prompts, websites, blog ideas, party menus…

Always – always – just for fun. A man on my train noticed my bunch of colorful pens and commented “Well I guess you plan to never run out of ink.” I responded with a somewhat embarrassed “yeah, I like to doodle” – ummm – not really.

So there you have it – a sneak peek into my journal. It’s not really the “Dear Diary” type of journal – but can be if and when I want it to be – an empty notebook just waiting to be filled.

On another note – Greg and I are heading to Michigan’s upper peninsula next month for a week-long bike trip. We’re belatedly trying to train a little bit – ummmm, yeah, I’m a teensy bit worried. And – I’ve been experimenting with my own version of a “capsule” wardrobe. More on that another time.

So that’s it for me. How about you – do you have a place for organizing or recording… life? I love to hear your ideas!

“Don’t overthink. Just let go.”

15 responses to “Journal #1 – for my inner over-thinker”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    You didn’t tell me you were so talented with the pens and the drawing! WOW!! Morning Pages are essential, but a fun journal is the perfect counterbalance. I have been doing some art journaling, and really enjoying it. It is nice to have something just for myself, but is creative and colorful. Can’t wait to see the U.P. through your eyes! Good luck with the training.

    1. Karen Lakis Avatar

      I agree – morning pages have become very important to me. They seem to unlock thoughts and solutions I didn’t know were there.

  2. Debbie Avatar

    ooooh karen, that’s art, not a journal, you have talent girl!!! i agree that it is more fun to look at, if it’s pretty!! i have toyed with the idea of morning pages, it’s not like i don’t have the time……i am still “thinking about it”!! you my friend are the person who got me thinking!! i have a “book”, that i keep quotes of inspiration in – it’s full – i used the same color inks when i first started. i enjoy reading the quotes, especially when i am not feeling well or i am in the hospital!!

    i am happy to see an update today. many thanks for all the sweet comments you have left for me!!

    1. Karen Lakis Avatar

      You are much too kind – one of your many wonderful qualities! I enjoy going back to look at quotes, too. I can understand how they might help when you’re not feeling well.

  3. Lynne Avatar

    Interesting . . .
    Revealing . . .
    An artist in the midst . . .
    Love it . . . clever, artsy, creative . . .
    I used to journal . . .
    In the past few years, since I wear my iPad on my hip . . .
    I guess I would call my Notes section on my iPad . . . my journal.
    It has everything . . . quotes, reflections, hopes, sorrows, dreams, mysteries . . .
    and “great grand gems” . . .
    Just looked 239 notes . . . sounds like a journal to me . . .
    (BTW . . . Thanks for the Great Granny Day visit . . . )

    1. Karen Lakis Avatar

      Haha – yes! It definitely sounds like a journal.

  4. Carola Avatar

    What a lovely journal – I like all the different kind of things you note and the different ways of writing. It’s interesting that you use two journals. I only use one for everything and not very regular either. When some ideas hit I usually note them in my phone. I always have it with me and it’s much more convenient in the night – when I have my best ideas that I have usually forgotten the next morning. It’s so much easier to use the phone instead of switching on the light, write something down, probably waking my husband and not being able to fall asleep again. However, I think the journal is so much more beautiful.

    1. Karen Lakis Avatar

      The phone is a great idea. If I think of something in the middle of the night, it is pretty much lost by the time I wake up in the morning.

  5. Michelle B Avatar

    I love the color in your journals and also how you are keeping track of books you have read with the bookshelf. I am currently ‘decluttering’ and have found a number of old ‘journals’, many are just spiral notebooks I have written thoughts in. I even found a children’s book I started and forgot about, I am so not good at finishing. I still write in a journal, if I don’t write things down I will forget them. 🙂

    1. Karen Lakis Avatar

      Unfinished projects, I know them well… I kind of hope that someday you decide to finish that children’s book – you have so much talent!

  6. Jeevan Avatar

    Whatever idea or thought, inspirations or feelings rise up, I note down on my mobile to think later and deeper to expand in more words… you note down creatively here. A weeklong bike trip doesn’t sound easy, but sure to enjoy and bring out joy of riding.

    1. Karen Lakis Avatar

      I’m hoping the trip brings out the joy of riding – I’ll let you know how it goes!

  7. jeanne stone Avatar

    So nice to see you … I have been overthinking things too, and it has not included blogging. Glad to find you. Love your journaling. Don’t you so appreciate that in your life. my journals are the place that I find all of my answers.

    1. Karen Lakis Avatar

      So nice to hear from you, Jeanne! Yes – I find my answers in my journals, too.

  8. Beatrice P Boyd Avatar

    While I have never kept a journal of thoughts, I am always writing things town in spiral bound notebooks. Yours are very creative and colorful, mine tend to be monochromatic and I use mechanical pencils even more than any type of pen. But, when I am in contact with friends through cards and letters, colored pens are always my writing choice. Hope the cycling trip is fun!

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