Quiet the mind

Sunrise – the dawn of a new day, new beginnings. As 2019 quickly approaches, I think of new beginnings, new plans, new goals.

Have you ever struggled with making a decision? You think about it, and think about it, and then think about it some more (there is – quite possibly – some overthinking going on…). And then, you’re certain that you can’t possibly think any more, so you make a decision, only to realize that your decision is making you unhappy? Yeah – I’ve been doing this for the last several months. My journal overflows with these thoughts – analyzing every option, every angle… I’m feeling like a broken record, going around and around in circles, repeating, repeating…

“QUIET the mind and the soul will SPEAK”

A couple of weeks ago, perusing Pinterest for holiday cocktail ideas, I ran across this quote.
“Hmmmm”, I thought, then continued on my quest for a gingerbread eggnog martini recipe.
But then, the quote came back to me; unable to let it go, I wrote it in my journal. And still, this quote relentlessly followed me wherever I went. I now repeat it to myself like a mantra.

So – this holiday season, as we close out 2018 in preparation for the new year, I am giving my mind a hiatus.

I am listening to the whispers of my soul – my heart – focusing on what is most important in my life.

And when my mind feels the need to chime in, as it always longs to do, I quietly tell it – “shhhhhhhhh.”

I wish a very happy Christmas, to all who celebrate – and to everyone, a happy new year!
Be safe.

8 responses to “Quiet the mind”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Maggie’s little dog is adorable! How is she doing? I am finding with the puppy, I just don’t have time to overthink. I either need to do or forget it. I think my next blog post (whenever that happens to be) will be titled Raising a Puppy and Starting a Business. Two things that probably shouldn’t be done at the same time, yet that is where I find myself – raising a puppy and getting ready to start a business. YIKES! I can’t wait to see what your soul says to you in 2019!

  2. Debbie Avatar

    thoughtful and beautiful karen…sometimes i think your mind, is your own worst enemy!! i more the “tiny” tree and the “tiny person!! i hope you had a very merry christmas!!

  3. Lynne Avatar

    Oh my . . .
    I loved this . . .
    Quiet the mind
    and the soul will speak.

    and look at your precious grand . . .
    what a magical look of wonder .

    Happy New Year Karen . . .

  4. Beatrice P. Boyd Avatar

    A beautiful post and an even more precious granddaughter who I am sure made Christmas more joyful for all. Wishing you many quiet times in the coming New Year as we all need more of these.

  5. Jeevan Avatar

    Seems mind too needs some time, space and peace to reflect or come to term to give away its best or betterment to life. Hope the quote guides you well as well the sound whispers of heart. Happy New Year Karen

  6. Barb Avatar

    I’m getting older by the minute, and I still need the daily practice of quieting the mind. Who needs all that chatter? I have learned that even when I do make a firm decision, it’s OK to change my mind. It’s the indecision that stymies forward movement. Happy 2019 to you and your Family, Karen. Bob was diagnosed with cancer late this summer, so we’ve had to make many important decisions. He’s feeling well, thank goodness.

  7. Carola Avatar

    Quieting the mind sounds like an excellent idea to me. It seems that we have lost the ability to listen to our soul and heart to what is really important to us. There are always so many “musts” – granted they are important, too, but if they make us deaf for those whispers they makes us an empty shell as well. I am familiar with overthinking and having difficulty with big decision, but it is helpful to also listen carefully to those whispers in just that moment. I’m wishing you just the right mixture and am looking forward to see what you’re doing in 2019.

  8. Lissa Avatar

    What a thought-provoking quotation. To someone who tends to over-think things… a lot… I will take this to heart. And write it in my journal. Hope your holidays were joyful.

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