Random moments

Greg and Chessie

October was a relatively quiet month, and I challenged myself to “master manual” – or rather – begin the process of understanding my camera’s manual settings. Mastery – yeah, I may need a few more months for that.
Anyway, as this challenge was more about the “how” than the “what”, October found me spending lots of quality time with my camera taking photos of… moments…

autumn leaves through sideview mirror

Not too long ago I worried that moving to rural Vermont would mean missing the convenience of stores nearby, or that running errands would feel cumbersome.

covered bridge

Ummmm – nope and nope.
I’ve traded traffic lights and rear bumpers for covered bridges and mountain vistas. Yeah, rough transition, that..

Chessie behind the weeds

Chessie and I start each morning – rain or shine – with a walk up our mountain, usually as the sun begins to wink from behind the trees. Our trek is always the same, and yet, always amazingly different. I often wonder how many different ways I will find to photograph weeds. But then, how many different moments are there? Many more than I will ever capture.

weed in the sunrise

When I began writing this post, I thought of it as “seizing the moment”. But really, what does it mean to “seize” a moment when merely noticing it should do? And after so many years of saying to myself, “maybe this weekend…”, or “tonight I will…” or “during my lunch break…”, I feel grateful to be making the shift to “how about now?”

“Mastering manual” has meant many, many missed shots as well as countless under- or over-exposed ones. And yet, it somehow appeals to the over-thinking control freak part of me. I am becoming a student of the light, which quite often means “yes, now!” and a hastily grabbed cup of coffee, baseball cap, and camera. Lesson number 1 on the syllabus – perfect light waits for no one.

My photography group has been exploring different types of photography which I am finding so helpful in keeping me engaged and fueling my imagination.rustic broken window

We’ve been experimenting with minimalism,

me - with my journal

playing with black and white,

Georgie on the beach

and giving high key a try.

Chessie - high key

These poor dogs – the subjects of so many of my photos. They may not always be eager subjects, but they can be easily bribed.

Laura and Ella

And while I have always said “I don’t do people” – I think this will be one of my future challenges. But then, my family – I am guessing that I will need something a bit more enticing than a milk bone.

And so, October flew quickly by while I kept clicking those random moments. And – because I never can seem to have too many journals, I added a new one which I think of as my “seizing the moment” journal. Okay, so I couldn’t resist – it’s just so pretty and the perfect place for random notes.

new journal

And now November – I’ve chosen “out of focus” for my challenge. And while my plan for the month is to actually gain a little more focus in my day-to-day life, I am thinking that the two may just go hand in hand. It should make for an interesting month.

I hope you have a wonderful week and would love to hear about your random moments!


10 responses to “Random moments”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Interesting as I was thinking the challenge for this week should be abstract/out of the focus. I have been trying to do manual mode lately too. It isn’t easy and cold fingers don’t make it easier, but we will keep on trying.

  2. Beatrice P. Boyd Avatar

    Mastering manual settings on my camera is something I have been working on as well. Now, that I no longer own a camera with any type of zoom lens, that too is becoming another challenge. I will never capture “far off” shots unless I can walk to them, which is impossible in many cases. And, you can never have too many weeds to photograph, Karen.

  3. Lynne Avatar

    Like your “how about now” mode of opérante . . .
    Wonderful photos, telling me scrumptious stories . . .
    Vermont seems like a perfect decision . . .

  4. Cathy Hubmann Avatar

    I’ve enjoyed getting to know you better and seeing what your newest project is through you blog and through our photography group. You inspire me! I start working on shooting with manual and then find myself switching back over to Aperture. I’m afraid I’ll miss I shot, which is kind of silly. I usually shoot close to home. It’s not like I’m in a foreign country and can’t return for a reshoot! My favorite of these photos is the one with the sun on the daisies! Be still my heart!! It’s exquisite!!!

  5. Lissa Mayer Avatar
    Lissa Mayer

    Mastering manual mode was one of my autumn goals, set aside for 2 weeks in Tibet in September. I returned home exhausted and not myself… diagnosed with blood clots in one leg, then with deeper concerns. So I lay in bed, looking out on one of my favorite views: the old pumphouse and the former 1920s orchard next to my equally old farmhouse. I miss early morning walks and sunsets, and love reading about your daily adventures. Yes, Vermont was a very good idea!

  6. Debbie Avatar

    as i read, i have to say, i find so much joy in your happiness and dilemmas. no work, just play…that life is made for a girl like you. i have never been able to manual focus, the hands don’t allow it but i am content to let the camera do the work. the rear view mirror and covered bridge are standouts, they are interesting and creative! october was exhausting for me, we have been trying to relax some this month. i have been spending more time with the birds, as the leaves fall off the trees it is easier to see and photograph them!! nice work here, it was good to see you today!!

  7. Jeevan Avatar

    Indeed quiet and beautiful moments at shoot! I do love experimenting with camera and focusing on simple yet different subject. I enjoyed all the moments captured here. Hope you continue the experiments to become a master.

  8. Carola Bartz Avatar

    I think eventually you will love manual mode and it will become almost “automatic” to you (this is not the accurate term, but I couldn’t think of any other). Going manual was the best decision I ever made in photography and I have been shooting in manual mode for many years now. It is a bit tricky at the beginning and there is a lot of trial and error (with more error, but that will change, I promise), but there is so much to learn. I personally found it a very interesting process, sometimes frustrating, but I’m sure you will go through that.
    But whether manual mode or not – your photos speak to me, they are full of stories and I certainly like your moments.

  9. Greg Lakis Avatar

    I know that you don’t do people, however if Chessie and I are future subjects, we can be persuaded with good coffee and Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream.

  10. Barb Avatar

    Your “how about now” and “perfect light waits for no one” are challenges both for life and for photography. You have such a knack for story photos. I try to pick a favorite photo and come back to the people walking the leafy trail. It speaks of possibilities.

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