Category: Bookshelf

  • Finding space to slow the pace

    Finding space to slow the pace

    Well – I am back from vacation, returning to what seems to be a blissfully slow week at work – thank goodness for that! Needless to say, vacation was wonderful. Greg and I spent several days in Colorado, visiting family, adding a side trip to Wyoming – just because. Words cannot express how much I…

  • bringing joy and my journey towards minimalism

    bringing joy and my journey towards minimalism

    Ever since I began my journey towards minimalism – note the use of the word “towards” and not “to” – I doubt that I will ever fully embrace minimalism – anyway… as I was saying, ever since I began my journey towards minimalism, we jokingly use the term “bringing joy” – a lot. – the…

  • Minimalism and the closet purge

    Minimalism and the closet purge

    Otherwise known as “Finding Balance – Part 3” which seems to have hijacked my life – are you tired of this topic, yet? As you have undoubtedly surmised, I’m not entirely happy at work. I need to remind myself, though, that I am not entirely unhappy, either. And while I am feeling – well –…